Friday, December 12, 2008

Agility progress

I'm finally back in the swing of things after having a mostly agility-less month of November! Ed got my patio up and lights so I can practice after work. It's so cool! He's going to install some more so that I have less shadows. Here is a video of Daisy and I practicing last weekend (during the day):

I had a lesson last Friday evening and then went to an agility trial to watch Stacy last Saturday. Tonight I have another lesson, and am going to Stacy's in the morning for a handling seminar. Then we'll be going from Stacy's to Long Beach to watch the Agility Invitational, then to dinner with Kati, and then to Ontario to pick up Ed's mom from the airport. It will be a long couple of days (but fun!) for sure!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Thankful Time

Hard to believe it's been more than a month since I last posted. It's been a very good month, and I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Here is a picture we took last weekend of the three of us. I am definitely thankful for my family!

My dad has been coming around nearly every weekend, or at least every other one, and was here for Turkey Day. Even greater, Kati and Suzanne came. It was the first time they were here for a holiday since Mom died, and it felt GREAT. It was the best Thanksgiving I'd had in four years.

While I didn't get much agility training in during November (was sick, injured my hamstring, end of daylight saving's time), I'm picking up speed again! Ed and Dad put in a patio cover over the concrete slab in what is now my agility yard, and Ed installed three floodlights. I need about five more to have adequate light, but this is a great start. I was able to practice just fine with what I have now, and the extras will just be a bonus.

Last night the girls and I had an agility lesson, and all I can say is each and every time I walk away thinking WOW, how gifted Stacy is in her teaching. She is able to cue right into where I've slacked off in my practice/training, and knows how to fix the issues. I think Daisy is really going to do well. I just have to work extra diligently on the obstacles, but I have no doubt we'll get there. The jury is still out on Chloe. She is still so timid in new situations, and frightened at Stacy's. Unlike Daisy, I've not been able to find her "happy/on" switch. I'm going to keep training her regardless, as she sure enjoys it at home. As I told Stacy, most of what I am enjoying is the improved relationship with my dogs. Playing agility is just the icing on the cake!

Today we went to an agility trial in San Diego. Was so awesome watching the dogs and learning! Got to spend some time with H & M from AgilityPoodle, and that was really neat to visit.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

iPhone Addict

Friday I visited one of my staff members in her cubby, and she had the cutest little phone on her desk. An iPhone. I fell in love. Had to have one. Came home with one Friday night. Yes, I'm a tech junkie. I crave the latest and greatest do-dad. Worse than most any man.

Oh boy am I having FUN with it! Took it with me to the agility trial on Saturday, and it was really helpful in downloading directions when we were on the wrong freeway. Really cool! This evening I'm downloading music videos to play on it. I've been texting and using it for email most of the day. Yup, I'm addicted.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lizard hunters!

This morning the dogs spied a lizard on the outside window screen. It provided quite a bit of entertainment! Max kept pawing at the window, while Daisy was licking at it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall blessings!

Today is officially the first day of fall. There's just something about knowing summer is over; the cool, crisp mornings, milder days, and less hectic weekends (usually!) is comforting. I look forward to evenings by the fireplace, cuddling with the Fabulous Five (poodles) with a good book. More than that, this year, I reminisce about where I was twelve months ago, and I know I am blessed.

Last year this time I was going through sheer and utter hell. Not only was the board displeased with me, but I had personnel issues and thought it was time to find another job. I came close to leaving the Agency, and I am so thankful I didn't.

Here I am, one year later, and I feel like I have OVERCOME! The Board, while still working to regain trust in me, seems to be pleased with my contributions to the Agency. The co-workers with whom I had difficulty are no longer with the organization. Problematic direct reports have either moved on by their own accord, or were helped to realize this was not the right "bus" for them. Peace is restore. More than that, I work for an awesome CEO,and last week I was formerly promoted to Vice President. I feel like I am in the right place, at the right time, and all the trials I've been through in the last two years have led to the point in my life. Not only is my professional life in line, but my personal life is also going well. The rescue is closed, it appears I've found another to take it over. I have my own Poodles and have my agility addiction. Things are great I home with my family, and my relationship with my sister has been restored. I can't think of anything to make my life more full. I am truly and utterly blessed.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Dynamic Daisy Duo - We're Smokin'!

We're doing it! Daisy and I are coming together as a team! She's playing more, tugging more, and having FUN! :-) Right now I'm reading some books that Stacy recommended by Jane Savoie. They are LIFE CHANGING, and talks about the psychology of sports, of thinking positively, of living "as if" you already have the behavior/trait/confidence/whatever that you desire. So, I'm imagining Daisy already being a tug fanatic, imagining myself as the next S.G., and going for it! I have seen a tremendous difference in Daisy's response to me and in our relationship. I LOVE IT!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy

Last week's agility lesson was eye opening. I finally 'got it.' I need to make play/tug times an "event," and I am now seeing success in my play with Daisy. However, Monday I was ready to throw in the towel. I could not get Daisy to play on Sunday or Monday. She stood in the crate and wouldn't exit. By the time Ed got home from work, I was literally in tears. I contemplated selling my agility equipment and trying for pet therapy instead. I emailed Stacy for some suggestions, and she said don't fret - hang in there. Well, Tuesday was MUCH better and Wednesday my Jane Savoie books arrived, talking about using imagery and acting "as if" you are whatever it is you are striving for. I am determined to be successful, and I am going to start putting to action the imagery to build my confidence. I am finally starting to have fun again, and my goal is to have mastered building the drive in Miss Daisy by November's Gregg Derrett seminar!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One year later - what a difference!

Carol, our CEO, knows how to say "thank you" in my own (Poodle) language! These flowers were delivered the day after our Hospice survey concluded. To say Carol has impressed me is a gross understatement. She is absolutely wonderful. I consider her both friend and mentor, as well as "boss."

Things are going well in other areas of work as well. The team is coming together, and we're having FUN!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Almost there!

What an agonizing couple of weeks it's been. First off, Ed left for Europe June 20th. He spent the first week in Claumel, Ireland, and then flew into Holland to be with his mom. His trip was depressing - no company in Ireland, and his mom was understandably depressed, having just lost Ken just a week before Ed flew out of the country. Ed's mood has been somber when I've spoken to him, and I have been in quite a funk myself. It has been nearly intolerable without him. It's scary thinking about how bland and boring my life would be if I lost him. He is my best friend and that was never more clear than when he left this time. I guess the difference is I used to be so busy with the dogs and rescue, and without that enormous commitment hanging over me, zapping the life out of me, I really feel alone when he's not here.

Things at work have been interesting. Challenging but very good at the same time. Fired my IT Manager for failing to pass his drug screening (should have been pre-employment, but was delayed), and the Hospice director quit. Yahoo! That brought some interesting dynamics, but we have weathered the storm and things are looking up. C is AWESOME. I am constantly impressed by her leadership style, her insight, her connections, the respect she has from both the board and leaders in the community. We are blessed, but most of all, I am blessed. She has made my life manageable and I again love my job.

Okay, I am happily on the way to the airport to pick up Ed. Oh yes...I've lost 10+ lbs! I'm now down to 149.5, and I'd gotten up to 163 at my peak. Still losing - want to get to 140-145. Almost there!

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's just life

Where to start? It seems like an eternity since I've really blogged.

Monday Henny called to let us know that Ken died. Ed already is scheduled to fly out to Dublin on Friday with a trip to visit his mom the following week. It was a blessing in so many ways how it all worked out - Ken died peacefully in Henny's arms at home, most likely due to stroke. She sounds like she's holding up okay. It was very serendipitous Ed is already going to be there in a matter of days. I'm sad for Ken of course, but this was a long time coming with all his health problems and in and out of the hospital non-stop.

Since I'd been pre-occupied with our financial status, Ken's death was a "wake-up-and-smell-the-roses" sort of event for me. We've sunk into the hole with our many home improvement projects. Starting with Peter's house, finishing our yard, installing the solar and buying down the loan, and a multitude of other smaller projects that have nickled and dimed us to death. This past weekend I did a proposed budget, and basically we need to focus on our bills for the next 24 months. No vacations, minimize all eating out, etc., and we should be pretty much debt free by Fall 2010, with the exception of our mortgage and my car payment. While it seems a little disappointing to not be able to take our weekend getaways or fly anyway, at the same time it is such a blessing. I love being home, and everything I want is right here. We have our own paradise right in our yard, pool, grass, garden areas, and my DOGS! What more can I want?

Things are excellent at work. D turned in her resignation on Monday, resolving one potential very large problem that I'd have when taking the COO position in the Fall. In addition, C is going to supervise LC, so that is resolved as well. Things should flow fairly smoothly when I take on my title/position.

Lastly, our agility training is so much fun. Daisy & I are learning so much together. We're bonding and she LOVES the training sessions at Stacy's, even doing "zoomies" now. I'm also learning how to turn her on at home. There's hope!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, I decided I do not want to be fat and have decided it is time for a CHANGE! I actually got up to 162 lbs, and am now down to just under 157. My clothes already fit better, and I'm starting to exercise on our newly purchased treadmill as well.

Things are going well with our agility training too. Daisy is doing well, and I'm really learning!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fat, Forty & The Whole Darn Thing!

Here I am, 43, almost 44, and feel like I’m getting UGLIER by the day! To save on time, I cut my short hair even shorter, have the permanent make up and for all intents and purposes, wearing little else that is applied. The bad part, though, is my weight issue. I never thought *I* would have one, but I do. 159.1 lbs of problem. Moaning and whining doesn’t seem to make me lose weight, so I guess I will need to get motivated to 1) control my eating and 2) exercise (what a dirty word!).

On the agility front, I’ve officially decided Chloe is just going to be a happy pet, a couch POO-tato as someone said! She hates what should be fun foundation games, and is now rolling over on her back and refusing to play with me. She is introverted and no matter what I do, I’m not going to change her personality. Making her be social and play in public is like expecting me to want to make new friends at a bar. Ain’t gonna happen. In the meantime, however, Daisy is turning out to be a natural at the play games. I think she will be a great agility partner, so our private session with Stacy tomorrow will just be the two of us. I am so anxious to get started again!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's a blessed life with dogs!

We've had a very bittersweet couple of weeks. On April 6th, we lost Seamus who was presumed to have hemangiosarcoma. He started bleeding internally and we had him put to sleep at the emergency clinic that Sunday afternoon. His ashes are now back with me, in the hutch with the other precious dogs we've lost through the years. There have been many other deaths locally and on my mailing lists, and the week really took it's toll on me. On Friday I was worn and we decided to head to San Diego with Scooter and Chloe to just get away. The picture on the left was the W Hotel.

Through all of this, I've realized how much the dogs pick up on my emotions. I was practicing agility, but more out of obligation. Chloe was NOT interested at all. She saw right through my fake energy/excitement. After a few days I realized the problem - she knew i didn't really want to play, so she didn't want to either. These dogs are so incredibly in tune to me. I love how I have an entourage wherever I go - five poodles and a golden who follow me everywhere!

Two other updates - I'm likely switching agility instructors. Cindy is ok, but WAY TOO FAST. She is already having us play games and we don't even know the terminology, the crosses, hardly anything. Chloe hates class and doesn't like to even get out of the car when we arrive. It finally hit me that this is not right. So I consulted with a trainer in Vista that was recommended by a gal on the mailing list, and have a private session for Saturday. Yippee! Stacy is very well known through the US and also writes for Cleanrun. I'm excited!

Also today I had permanent makeup applied - eyeliner. Can't wait to see what it looks like after the swelling goes down!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's taken me 43 years, but I finally found the "group" I belong to.


Tonight was Chloe's 10th week of class (or there-about). She is loving it and so am I. Our first four weeks was a semi-private session. She did okay there. However, our next class (Beginner Pre-Novice) was comprised of all large dogs and little 12 lb. Chloe. Two of the dogs were Standard Poodle pups and one was a big, goofy goldendoodle. She was soooo intimidated. We missed two classes due to an issue at work that involved surveyors, but we made it for the last session and were still ahead as the large goofballs are so easily distracted. Thankfully, Cindy added us to a small dog class that is actually bit ahead of us. Tonight was the first night and Chloe did GREAT! We were sequencing 6 or 7 obstacles that she did very well. By the time we got to 10, she was pretty pooped but overall did great for it being a more advanced class. I had more difficulty than she did! Best of all is the social factor with the group.

Finally, for the first time in probably my whole life (outside of work), I feel like I found a group of people I can relate to. They are dog people and there to have fun. Most are pretty casual and easy going, and most live locally. I've been trying to attend the trials too and those are really fun. For the first time in ages I can hang around people and just enjoy talking and it has nothing to do with what I *DO*, but just who I *AM*. It is sooooo refreshing and soooooo addicting. Considering that I have an addictive personality, this is dangerous! :-) Ed let me buy several pieces of agility equipment and I can't wait!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New truck and country nights

Amazing what turns me on. A very used but new to us Ford F250 v10 4x4 pick up! Yup, we are now able to haul lumber, purchase new plants, transport our recyclables and go to the dump! Oh yes, and i will be able to buy my new freezer for raw dog food too! I am one happy camper! It seemed like at every turn whatever project was stalled by not having a truck. I told Ed I wanted to pick up an older, used truck, but was dismayed at what I was finding for sale. Either way over-priced or else quite the junker, something I wouldn't want to be caught dead in. So I prayed. We spent Saturday looking at trucks at dealerships and didn't find "the one." Then Monday on my way to work I found it, parked in the mud on the side of Winchester Road. 1999, seemed immaculate at first glance, and 220K miles. It will be great for what we need, and we got it for $4400, about $2K under KBB. It's great it's 4WD as we have had a rainy winter, and our road is the worst it's ever been in the 9 years we've lived here.

With all of the rain comes happy frogs. This evening when i got home from work the dogs and I went walking around the property. AFterwards when we went in the main yard you could really them "talking" or whatever it is they do. It is so quiet (no barking) now it is WONDERFUL to be in the big yard. I love it!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Dog Day Success

WE DID IT! Baby Chloe at only 10 months old sailed through her CGC test, and Daisy, at just a year and only three weeks in our household, also passed. I'm proud of my precious girls! I used to be a boy dog person, but now I think GIRLS RULE! (Just don't tell my little Scooter Bug, upon whom my world revolves!)

Other good news: Chloe is MUCH better in her agility classes and seems to be enjoying herself, no longer asking to be held the entire time. She is a darling, precious little dog.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Poodle FREAK!

One rainy day with two Toys, two Minis, and one awesome Standard Poodle!

I have to admit I am completely and hopelessly enamored and in love with Daisy. She is everything I wanted in a Standard and more. I feel like it was sooooo meant to be. I could not understand why I had this young, beautiful, very adoptable SP that I couldn't place! It's because she was supposed to be MINE! Ed even loves her, and wants to take her on outings. She has that charismatic personality and you just can't help but LOVE her!

I'm really excited - our CEO is interested in a pet therapy program at work, and so I'm working to put that together. Hope to be able to use one or more of my dogs. Will be fun!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Number Nine and WE'RE FINISHED!!

Saturday was a HUGE day for me. January 26th, 2008 marks the end of an era. I adopted out three of the four rescue dogs - the "rats," Emma and Lacey, who were darling little Toy Poodles I'd had for 8 months, and then a bichon named Remy/Scooter. That just left Lola, a now 1 year old Standard I've had for four months (she was only 10 months when she came to me in September). I could NOT leave her to cry and whine in the kennel, so in the house she came. I assured Ed she would NOT be staying. Less than two hours into it I knew I could never trust anyone with her and there was no way I could let her go. Uh-oh.

So, yesterday Ed & I had a talk. I acted like we were definitely keeping Lola (whom we renamed Daisy) and he said, 'you've got to be kidding!' Which was quickly followed up with I'm going to have to think about that. Less then a 1/2 hour later Ed opened the discussion by saying he would let me keep Daisy provided I do not pet sit, foster, or otherwise have other dogs on the property until we are down to three dogs. (Like that will happen - Daisy is No. 9.) So.......I am now the proud Mommy of not just one but TWO Standard Poodles! and I didn't ever think I'd find ONE that would do well with my small dogs! Daisy is so good with them, so submissive and just a wonderful, gentle girl.

I cannot emphasize enough what a relief it is to have the kennels officially closed up. I basically put "we're closed" on the web page and I am DONE, DONE, DONE, DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Wonder of it All

At times I look at my pack of dogs and am simply overfilled with emotions. When I am with them, suddenly problems that looked so enormous are put into perspective. I have peace and a sense that my life is GOOD! I can have a horrible day at work, come home, and all the stress melts away when they wag their tails and jump for joy that I’m home. I’m the center of their universe, and they are mine. It is good when –
  • I get out of the shower to find the bathroom crowded with whichever dogs could squeeze their way in, not wanting a wall or a door to separate us from each other.
  • Tinkerbelle, the foster who came to stay, is no longer frightened of people, and jumps up five feet to get me to pick her up.
  • Tinkerbelle decides other dogs are great fun, dismisses her concern, and races through the house chasing the other Poodles.
  • Scooter, the love of my life, nestles against my chest to sleep, and spends night curled up next to me.
  • Chelsea, the 4 lb. Toy Poodle, is running with a zest and zeal for life, and typical of Toys, jumps as though she has springs in her back legs. One would never know now that she had two surgeries just a year ago for a fractured hip and foreleg.
  • Seamus, our Standard Poodle, is so bonded that he forgets his training by his previous owners, and in his overwhelming joy will grab my hand in his mouth. He runs around with a goofy SP grin, delighted to have a home of his own, plenty of toys and tennis balls.
  • Baby Chloe, AKA Chloe Monster or Chloester, does zoomies at 5:30 a.m., racing from the couch to the bedroom, around and around the circular walkway between the kitchen and living room, and then comes up to me with her big black eyes, longing for me to hug her and pick her up.
  • Abner & Coral, my precious Goldens, swimming in the pool, no matter the temperature outside or in the water!
  • Coral, holding two tennis balls in her mouth, comes and nudge-noses me, just wanting her face petted.
  • Abner, rubbing up against me and between my legs when I come home from work. Abner, moaning and groaning in delight as I scratch his ears.

Monday, January 7, 2008


I shouldn’t have done it. I really, REALLY shouldn’t have done it.

But I did. I ordered cute letter stickers, return address labels, with little gif images of all of seven of my dogs. The only problem is….now….it looks like I may have EIGHT.

Yup, 8 dogs. Tinkerbelle, a 7 lb Toy Poodle, was adopted on December 30th and returned on New Year’s Day. I didn’t have the heart to stick her back in the kennel, and I had another possible home lined up for her. Jeremy was REALLY against putting her back in her run, as she was an absolute nightmare to bathe. I have to say, she was a nightmare to groom too – a three person job. Did I mention that she doesn’t like to be TOUCHED in certain areas? She yelps when you touch parts of her body that she PERCEIVES as painful. Okay, so she’s not much an adoption candidate. I talked to the runner up for her and told this nice lady this is really not the dog for you. She’s not a dog for anyone.

Except none of us can bring ourselves to put her to sleep. Ed was actually the one that suggested she stay with us. Tinks had been acting out towards our other dogs so he wanted to give it a week, but in the last couple of days she’s been tolerating them being near her, and even played with Chloe a couple of times yesterday. She loves to play with people and will roll over on her back just to lounge next to you. The last week she’d been literally glued to Jeremy, and it appeared she literally thought her little would end if he was out of her sight. Well, yesterday Jeremy went with Ed to town, so Tinkerbelle was with me all day. By nighttime when Jeremy returned she decided she’d sit with ME on MY chair instead of with Jer on the couch, lol! I think she will be okay. Tinkerbelle really is a cutie - loves to jump, jump, jump, loves to play with toys, and is HOUSEBROKEN! A big plus!

On other fronts, things appear significantly better at work. C, our new CEO, started today. My stress is significantly reduced with minimized Board contact (I think they've pretty much dismissed me), and I am no longer responsible for Hospice either (another source of conflict eliminated!). So.....we'll see how things go, but it's looking considerably better at this time.