Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fat, Forty & The Whole Darn Thing!

Here I am, 43, almost 44, and feel like I’m getting UGLIER by the day! To save on time, I cut my short hair even shorter, have the permanent make up and for all intents and purposes, wearing little else that is applied. The bad part, though, is my weight issue. I never thought *I* would have one, but I do. 159.1 lbs of problem. Moaning and whining doesn’t seem to make me lose weight, so I guess I will need to get motivated to 1) control my eating and 2) exercise (what a dirty word!).

On the agility front, I’ve officially decided Chloe is just going to be a happy pet, a couch POO-tato as someone said! She hates what should be fun foundation games, and is now rolling over on her back and refusing to play with me. She is introverted and no matter what I do, I’m not going to change her personality. Making her be social and play in public is like expecting me to want to make new friends at a bar. Ain’t gonna happen. In the meantime, however, Daisy is turning out to be a natural at the play games. I think she will be a great agility partner, so our private session with Stacy tomorrow will just be the two of us. I am so anxious to get started again!

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