We've had a very bittersweet couple of weeks. On April 6th, we lost Seamus who was presumed to have hemangiosarcoma. He started bleeding internally and we had him put to sleep at the emergency clinic that Sunday afternoon. His ashes are now back with me, in the hutch with the other precious dogs we've lost through the years. There have been many other deaths locally and on my mailing lists, and the week really took it's toll on me. On Friday I was worn and we decided to head to San Diego with Scooter and Chloe to just get away. The picture on the left was the W Hotel.
Through all of this, I've realized how much the dogs pick up on my emotions. I was practicing agility, but more out of obligation. Chloe was NOT interested at all. She saw right through my fake energy/excitement. After a few days I realized the problem - she knew i didn't really want to play, so she didn't want to either. These dogs are so incredibly in tune to me. I love how I have an entourage wherever I go - five poodles and a golden who follow me everywhere!
Two other updates - I'm likely switching agility instructors. Cindy is ok, but WAY TOO FAST. She is already having us play games and we don't even know the terminology, the crosses, hardly anything. Chloe hates class and doesn't like to even get out of the car when we arrive. It finally hit me that this is not right. So I consulted with a trainer in Vista that was recommended by a gal on the mailing list, and have a private session for Saturday. Yippee! Stacy is very well known through the US and also writes for Cleanrun. I'm excited!
Also today I had permanent makeup applied - eyeliner. Can't wait to see what it looks like after the swelling goes down!
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