Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Wonder of it All

At times I look at my pack of dogs and am simply overfilled with emotions. When I am with them, suddenly problems that looked so enormous are put into perspective. I have peace and a sense that my life is GOOD! I can have a horrible day at work, come home, and all the stress melts away when they wag their tails and jump for joy that I’m home. I’m the center of their universe, and they are mine. It is good when –
  • I get out of the shower to find the bathroom crowded with whichever dogs could squeeze their way in, not wanting a wall or a door to separate us from each other.
  • Tinkerbelle, the foster who came to stay, is no longer frightened of people, and jumps up five feet to get me to pick her up.
  • Tinkerbelle decides other dogs are great fun, dismisses her concern, and races through the house chasing the other Poodles.
  • Scooter, the love of my life, nestles against my chest to sleep, and spends night curled up next to me.
  • Chelsea, the 4 lb. Toy Poodle, is running with a zest and zeal for life, and typical of Toys, jumps as though she has springs in her back legs. One would never know now that she had two surgeries just a year ago for a fractured hip and foreleg.
  • Seamus, our Standard Poodle, is so bonded that he forgets his training by his previous owners, and in his overwhelming joy will grab my hand in his mouth. He runs around with a goofy SP grin, delighted to have a home of his own, plenty of toys and tennis balls.
  • Baby Chloe, AKA Chloe Monster or Chloester, does zoomies at 5:30 a.m., racing from the couch to the bedroom, around and around the circular walkway between the kitchen and living room, and then comes up to me with her big black eyes, longing for me to hug her and pick her up.
  • Abner & Coral, my precious Goldens, swimming in the pool, no matter the temperature outside or in the water!
  • Coral, holding two tennis balls in her mouth, comes and nudge-noses me, just wanting her face petted.
  • Abner, rubbing up against me and between my legs when I come home from work. Abner, moaning and groaning in delight as I scratch his ears.

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