This morning I decided I was going to work from home as I had an appointment in Temecula at 1 p.m., and figured I could do performance evals, etc. at home. I decided to have my coffee in bed while snuggling Coral, Abner and Poodles and watching the early news. First I'd let the kennel dogs out to run around, and didn't think much of it when I heard barking later. About 7:15 I got up to feed our dogs, and Dexter was running around at the fence line barking at a dog I couldn't visualize. Strange, I thought, but didn't think further. About 7:30, though, I noticed there were only 4 foster Poodles in the big play yard.....not good... there should be SIX. Jeremy and I looked everywhere, and there was no sign of Charlie & Lucy.
In the car I went and searched everywhere. While I was driving, Jeremy made about 40 flyers which I posted through out the neighborhood. I got a call from one neighbor who had seen the dogs a half-hour earlier but was unable to catch them. They were right near his house. He kept looking with me, but didn't spot them later. Driving, driving, driving with a full bladder, I feared the worst. About a half-hour later I got a call from another person who saw them on her way to work. She didn't try to stop because she didn't have time, but did see the flyer and called. They weren't too terribly far from home. I kept searching. I was about to give up hope after three hours, when I got a call from the microchip company. Thankfully I'd been able to register their chips on the phone this morning when they were discovered missing, and they were wearing their chip tags. Someone just a few properties down had them in their yard and had called. WHEW! I thought it was going to be the end of me! When I pulled up the dogs looked exhilarated and had clearly enjoyed their grand adventure.
While I would have been stressed beyond belief on any given day with such an escape, today was NOT a good day for it. I had told Kati that it was time to put poor Jubilee to sleep. She came and visited with her yesterday, then called me last night to ask if she could come again Sunday. I told her that wasn't fair to the dog. What I wanted to say is that she'd had ten months and never once visited her. It was the whole reason why I didn't want to let her take the dog to begin with - she isn't and hasn't ever been even a slight priority. She never got her the care for her back, never made sure she had a clean place to live, nor did she provide even the most basic care for her. And now the dog is supposed to suffer for five more days just because she feels guilty and wants one more visit? Nope. I had her put to sleep this afternoon and will mail her the ashes. I feel such a relief for Jubilee, and a sense of...hmmm...accomplishment? Satisfaction?.....that I made it to the end, cared for Mom's dog to the end. I feel like Jubilee was another part of my obligation to mom that I satisfied, and did well, another door to that chapter of life that can be closed.
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