I recently read a great book called The Glass Castle. It was the true story of a famous journalist and her upbringing. Her mother wasn't into caring for the kids, and her father was a drunk and often unemployed. It left the four kids to their own devices, often trying to hunt down food to feed themselves. They raided trash cans, often had no elecricity or indoor plumbing. They had an awful, difficult childhood. It made me feel like I grew up in royalty. However, while I didn't have to raid trash cans for food, I certainly didn't have it very easy. Mom did the best she could, but caring for two girls on an LVN's salary was challenging at best. When she went to school to get her RN, we were on welfare temporarily. We lived in government subsidized housing. I always felt inferior to the kids at school who had "in" clothes. I didn't have to have the latest and greatest, but I knew I definitely showed our lower income status. It was hard, but it gave me character. It also gave me deep appreciation for all that we are now blessed with. Yes, we work hard for what we have, but I believe it is all due to the Lord's blessing us with great jobs and with a strong work ethic. Today Ed & I went to Costco and bought our patio furniture. We sat out there for an hour this evening, me sipping my decaf and Ed his glass of wine. It was peaceful and relaxing. Our yard and pool is so nice. Things are really coming along. I just feel so very peaceful and love my home.
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