I shouldn’t have done it.
I really, REALLY shouldn’t have done it.
But I did. I ordered cute letter stickers, return address labels, with little gif images of all of seven of my dogs. The only problem is….now….it looks like I may have EIGHT.
Yup, 8 dogs. Tinkerbelle, a 7 lb Toy Poodle, was adopted on December 30th and returned on New Year’s Day. I didn’t have the heart to stick her back in the kennel, and I had another possible home lined up for her. Jeremy was REALLY against putting her back in her run, as she was an absolute nightmare to bathe. I have to say, she was a nightmare to groom too – a three person job. Did I mention that she doesn’t like to be TOUCHED in certain areas? She yelps when you touch parts of her body that she PERCEIVES as painful. Okay, so she’s not much an adoption candidate. I talked to the runner up for her and told this nice lady this is really not the dog for you. She’s not a dog for anyone.
Except none of us can bring ourselves to put her to sleep. Ed was actually the one that suggested she stay with us. Tinks had been acting out towards our other dogs so he wanted to give it a week, but in the last couple of days she’s been tolerating them being near her, and even played with Chloe a couple of times yesterday. She loves to play with people and will roll over on her back just to lounge next to you. The last week she’d been literally glued to Jeremy, and it appeared she literally thought her little would end if he was out of her sight. Well, yesterday Jeremy went with Ed to town, so Tinkerbelle was with me all day. By nighttime when Jeremy returned she decided she’d sit with ME on MY chair instead of with Jer on the couch, lol! I think she will be okay. Tinkerbelle really is a cutie - loves to jump, jump, jump, loves to play with toys, and is HOUSEBROKEN! A big plus!
On other fronts, things appear significantly better at work. C, our new CEO, started today. My stress is significantly reduced with minimized Board contact (I think they've pretty much dismissed me), and I am no longer responsible for Hospice either (another source of conflict eliminated!). So.....we'll see how things go, but it's looking considerably better at this time.