I've included this picture of "THE BUG" as it shows just how much he loves his Mommy, and my feelings toward him are equal. THE WORLD IS FINE SO LONG AS I HAVE MY BUG!!!!!
To say the month of November has been trying is an understatement. P & I had approached M about her performance issues and offered her a business development position. She was actually considering it, and asked us to inform the Board that due to her health she would not be returning to an E.D. position. Well, she changed her mind but DID NOT TELL US! She had a staff member tell a Board member, and an investigation ensued. The Board says they concur with our concerns regarding the significant performance issues, but they are allowing her to return to an E.D. position. This whole process has been one big emotional roller coaster. At first the Board was upset that we had handled this without their input, then they felt we were attacking her. After that was resolved, I thought for sure they would only offer her the B.D. role we had approached her with. Oh no....now they are going to take her back. Needless to say, I cannot stay at the Agency. After twelve years, I am looking for a new job. I have two interviews scheduled - one with HealthNet on Wednesday and one with Heartland on Friday. I also have applications in with other companies and am in contact with a couple different recruiters. We'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I took last week (Thanksgiving week) off in order to spend time with Ed who was also taking PTO. We decided it felt more like a honeymoon than a vacation - we really enjoyed it. I did a lot of soul searching, and after looking at our budget I decided I need to make sure whatever position I go after, it's one that I WANT, that doesn't entail extensive driving, and that meets our needs financially.
As Thanksgiving week concluded, I have given thanks for all that we are blessed with. While almost all facets of my life have changed, the most important thing is intact - my FAMILY! I have the best husband, a wonderful son, great canine children, and all that makes for a perfect home life. When everything is said and done, that's what life is all about.
To say the month of November has been trying is an understatement. P & I had approached M about her performance issues and offered her a business development position. She was actually considering it, and asked us to inform the Board that due to her health she would not be returning to an E.D. position. Well, she changed her mind but DID NOT TELL US! She had a staff member tell a Board member, and an investigation ensued. The Board says they concur with our concerns regarding the significant performance issues, but they are allowing her to return to an E.D. position. This whole process has been one big emotional roller coaster. At first the Board was upset that we had handled this without their input, then they felt we were attacking her. After that was resolved, I thought for sure they would only offer her the B.D. role we had approached her with. Oh no....now they are going to take her back. Needless to say, I cannot stay at the Agency. After twelve years, I am looking for a new job. I have two interviews scheduled - one with HealthNet on Wednesday and one with Heartland on Friday. I also have applications in with other companies and am in contact with a couple different recruiters. We'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I took last week (Thanksgiving week) off in order to spend time with Ed who was also taking PTO. We decided it felt more like a honeymoon than a vacation - we really enjoyed it. I did a lot of soul searching, and after looking at our budget I decided I need to make sure whatever position I go after, it's one that I WANT, that doesn't entail extensive driving, and that meets our needs financially.
As Thanksgiving week concluded, I have given thanks for all that we are blessed with. While almost all facets of my life have changed, the most important thing is intact - my FAMILY! I have the best husband, a wonderful son, great canine children, and all that makes for a perfect home life. When everything is said and done, that's what life is all about.
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