Monday, August 18, 2008

The Dynamic Daisy Duo - We're Smokin'!

We're doing it! Daisy and I are coming together as a team! She's playing more, tugging more, and having FUN! :-) Right now I'm reading some books that Stacy recommended by Jane Savoie. They are LIFE CHANGING, and talks about the psychology of sports, of thinking positively, of living "as if" you already have the behavior/trait/confidence/whatever that you desire. So, I'm imagining Daisy already being a tug fanatic, imagining myself as the next S.G., and going for it! I have seen a tremendous difference in Daisy's response to me and in our relationship. I LOVE IT!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy

Last week's agility lesson was eye opening. I finally 'got it.' I need to make play/tug times an "event," and I am now seeing success in my play with Daisy. However, Monday I was ready to throw in the towel. I could not get Daisy to play on Sunday or Monday. She stood in the crate and wouldn't exit. By the time Ed got home from work, I was literally in tears. I contemplated selling my agility equipment and trying for pet therapy instead. I emailed Stacy for some suggestions, and she said don't fret - hang in there. Well, Tuesday was MUCH better and Wednesday my Jane Savoie books arrived, talking about using imagery and acting "as if" you are whatever it is you are striving for. I am determined to be successful, and I am going to start putting to action the imagery to build my confidence. I am finally starting to have fun again, and my goal is to have mastered building the drive in Miss Daisy by November's Gregg Derrett seminar!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One year later - what a difference!

Carol, our CEO, knows how to say "thank you" in my own (Poodle) language! These flowers were delivered the day after our Hospice survey concluded. To say Carol has impressed me is a gross understatement. She is absolutely wonderful. I consider her both friend and mentor, as well as "boss."

Things are going well in other areas of work as well. The team is coming together, and we're having FUN!